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Traffic Tickets . Traffic Violations

Traffic Tickets
Traffic Violations

Traffic laws govern traffic and regulate vehicles. Traffic laws are regulated by the states and municipalities through their respective traffic codes. Each state has its own rules and procedures based on state’s vehicle and traffic law, often referred to as the vehicle code.

All persons are required to comply with traffic rules. As a general rule, drivers are expected to avoid a collision 

with another vehicle and pedestrians, regardless of whether or not the applicable rules of the road allow them to be where they happen to be.

If you are involved in an accident, you are required by law to stop and exchange information with the involved drivers. It is important that you have sufficient insurance coverage. It is common that the offending driver has inadequate insurance coverage. In such a case it may be beneficial for you to include an “uninsured motorist coverage” to your automobile insurance policy. Thus, if the other driver fails to carry insurance or cannot be identified (i.e. a hit and run accident) you will be reimbursed.

Reckless driving tickets are issued for all sorts of driving errors. But regardless of the reason, the penalty is the same. Reckless driving conviction results in points against one’s license and a permanent criminal record. This could lead to higher insurance rates and a possible license suspension.

If you recently received a traffic ticket or were involved in a traffic accident, we can help you to determine whether you would be able to contest your citation, evaluate your case and help you with legal issues.