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Permanent Resident Green Card . Through Marriage

Permanent Resident Green Card
Through Marriage

Congress created the adjustment of status provision to enable spouses and children of US citizens or US permanent residents to obtain legal residence and get green cards. Nowadays marriage is one of the fastest ways to obtain legal residence in the US.

Requirements for getting a green card through marriage are slightly different depending on whether you are married to a US citizen or a US permanent resident.

Spouse, Parents and Unmarried Children (under 21) of U.S. Citizens
Spouse, parents, and unmarried children (under 21) of a U.S. citizen are “immediate relatives.” There are no limits on the number of immediate relatives who can apply for permanent residence each year. This means that papers can be filed immediately without waiting availability of immigrant visas.

Married and Unmarried Sons and Daughters, Brothers and Sisters of U.S. Citizen are eligible to get a green card. However, there is different waiting time in every situation.

Spouse and Children, and Unmarried Sons and Daughters (21 years of age or older) of Permanent Residents can also get green cards. If immigrant visas are not immediately available, applicants will need to wait for their green cards.

One who is already in the US, entered the US with a visa, has no criminal history, is eligible to apply for a green card, i.e. to adjust status to that of a permanent resident, without having to return to his home country. However, if the immigrant entered the United States without permission, he must be required to leave the U.S. and return to his home country and seek a waiver of inadmissibility – a much more difficult and uncertain process of “consular processing.”

Not to jeopardize the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of permanent residency sooner, we advise to consult with the qualified and experienced attorney. We can help you understand the green card application process, your responsibilities and financial requirements. We can also assist you with preparing for the green card interview in the local immigration office.